For this game you need, above all things, to be in a tranquil frame of mind.
— Harry Vardon
People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.
— Simon Sinek


The “back nine” is considered crucial and is often seen as the true test of a golfer’s skill and composure. It’s where mental fortitude and ability to execute under pressure are most tested, often deciding the outcome of a round.

At Back 9 Massage we believe that the pinnacle of preparation to meet and conquer the challenges faced in sports and in life fall squarely on the attention paid to the musculoskeletal system.

Whether it’s a sport (not just golf!) you enjoy or just the stress of daily life, Back 9 Massage was created to be an integral part of your journey.

Massage is fundamental to your Pre-Inter-Post event regimen.

We ask so much of our bodies and yet too often our resources (time & money) are allocated to peripheral (albeit important) things such as which brand of equipment to buy, developing a routine, lessons, course management and mental game…

…all while overlooking the care of the muscles that are tasked with the implentation of those plans, round after round.

We exist to disrupt this paradigm and usher in an age where therapeutic sports massage and biomechanics come FIRST, not as an afterthought or recovery-only mentality.



Experience professional Swedish massage therapy. Based on western concepts of anatomy & physiology, this type of massage is utilized to stimulate circulation, flush the circulatory system, release tight muscles, restore range of motion and relieve pain.


Deep tissue sports massage aimed at the deeper structures of the muscle and fascia, also called connective tissue, which is great for relieving chronic muscle pain. Targeted treatment to identify & address problem areas with biomechanics in mind.


Multi-modality Post-event massage aimed at flushing the lymphatic system, circulatory system and moving toxins for elimination after a challenging round. A combination of Swedish, deep tissue, shiatsu and ROM (Range Of Motion) testing utilizing PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation).

Book your massage therapy appointment today and experience personalized care tailored to your specific needs.

Master Massage Therapist John C. Lubarsky LMT is dedicated to enhancing your well-being with expert techniques.

Call (201)-687-9281

*In-Home appointments available upon request*

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